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The CVPCA Needs You!
Join the Board for 2024
The Capitol View Park Citizens Association serves our community by organizing annual events, promoting public safety, sharing information via a newsletter and website, and engaging with local government on issues of interest to residents. To continue these important activities — including the annual Earth Day Clean Up, Rockin' Block Party, Halloween Parade, and Turkey Trot — and to help create new initiatives, we rely on volunteers who serve on the CVPCA Board.
At our next community meeting on November 8th, we will seek and vote on nominations to serve on the Board during 2024. This is a valuable opportunity to give back to our cherished community and continue building it as a great place to live. Many Capitol View Park residents have served "tours of duty" on the Board throughout the years, and it's an excellent way for new and long-standing residents to meet each other and get involved.
Please consider serving!
Q. What time commitment would this entail?
Board members meet one evening per month, currently on Zoom, for about 60-90 minutes. There are two annual community meetings. The time commitment beyond that depends on the board member's interests — for example, helping to organize one more of our annual events, conducting outreach, etc. Members commit to serve for a one-year term, beginning January 1.
Q. How do I express interest in serving?
You may email or simply attend the November community meeting, which will be conducted via Zoom. Nominees for the Board will be solicited during the community meeting just prior to the election.
Q. Which positions are available on the Board?
The CVPCA Board is composed of a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Immediate Past President, and up to six at-large members. We are currently seeking nominees to fill the Secretary and several at-large positions. You need not be an existing Board member to fill one of the officer positions. All that is required is a desire to make Capitol View Park a better place to call home.
Q. Is there a way to support CVPCA activities without being a Board member?
Yes! While we need Board members, we also need ad hoc volunteers to put on the community events that occur throughout the year and make Capitol View Park the lively, close-knit neighborhood that it is. Please let us know if you can volunteer on an event committee by emailing
In addition, we encourage all Capitol View Park residents to pay CVPCA dues if they can. Dues are $25/year per household and fund these events, beautification efforts, and more. Please see the information on
Q. How can I learn more?
For questions about serving on the CVPCA Board, please email
County Sidewalk Proposal Discussed at Fall 2022 Community Meeting
Capitol View Park residents took their first look at Montgomery County's Capitol View Avenue Sidewalk Improvements proposal during the CVPCA's Fall meeting on November 16. The County proposes to build a sidewalk running the length of Capitol View Avenue from Kensington Parkway to Forest Glen Road. Ancillary improvements may include new crosswalks and potential storm water management facilities. The CVPCA will submit a summary of the comments received from community members during the Fall meeting to the County.
Click on the Capitol View Sidewalks Improvements map for a copy of the proposal. To view the Fall community meeting, click on the green button below. The sidewalk discussion begins at the 39:17 minute mark.
Turkey Trot 2022 Draws Record Crowd, Raises Record Amount
The CVPCA's seventh annual Turkey Trot 5K, held on Thanksgiving morning under beautiful skies, drew 150 trotters, spectators, and friends -- an all-time record! The sold-out event also raised a record amount of money -- $1,750 for A Wider Circle, the Silver Spring-based organization dedicated to ending poverty. Special thanks go to our generous 2022 Turkey Trot sponsors Mustache Mechanics, Capital Sport & Swim, Donut King, deliCLUB, and Talia's Cuzina. We'll be trotting again next year.
2021 Turkey Trot Raises Record Amount
Thank you to everyone who supported, sponsored, and ran in our 2021 Turkey Trot. We raised a record $1,500 for A Wider Circle, a Silver Spring-based community organization dedicated to ending poverty. For more information on A Wider Circle, visit
Pictured: President Phil Bonomo and Secretary Cathy Robertson present the CVPCA's donation to A Wider Circle President & CEO Amy Javaid (center).
Interesting Local History
History of the Castle at Forest Glen:
Turkey Trot Donation Made
In February, on behalf of our neighborhood, the Capitol View Park Citizens Association board presented A Wider Circle (represented by Mark Bergel) with proceeds from the CVPCA first annual Turkey Trot!
Pictured: A Wider Circle's Mark Bergel with CVPCA officers Ruben Kahvedjian, Beth Weaver, and Cathy Roberston.
Decorating of a Menlo Ave home featured in the Washington Post Lifestyle section:
Bruce Cohen (CVA) honored by DC Metro Theater Arts for his efforts as the chief organizer of Singers Glen:
An article by Gordon Bock (Lee St): A California bungalow discusses a lovely bungalow on the corner of CVA and Meredith: American Bungalow: (and pdf below).
Marion Edey (Menlo) is profiled for her lifelong dedication to protecting the environment, including as the founder of the League of Conservation Voters, In E&E publishing:
Carol Ireland (Menlo) is profiled as an opera-singer-now-synchronized swimmer in the Washingtonian Magazine.
Capitol View Park Featured in the Washington Post Real Estate Section:
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